1. Which doctors should I meet before surgery?

Meeting the surgeon before any operation obviously is mandatory. He/she will consider your history, carry out physical exam and give you his/her explanation on your case and recommendation.

The anesthesiologist consultation is mandatory too.



2. What exams are required to surgery?

In most cases, the surgeon and/or anesthesiologist will prescribe blood tests and sometimes an ECG.

Please don’t forget to bring your medical dossier with you.


3. Where is surgery carried out?

Operations are carried out in day-case setting in a private clinic located in a nice area of Paris city center.



4. How long is the hospital stay?

In most cases surgery is carried out in day-case setting. You will be discharged a few hours after surgery.

In some cases, depending on your medical condition, the surgeon as well as the anesthesiologist can recommend overnight stay.



5. What about the sickness leave?

Walking and resuming normal activity immediately is recommended.

Driving is allowed one day after surgery.

Working one or two days after surgery is possible for non-manual professionals.

Ten to fifteen days sickness leave is recommended for manual workers.



6. What about sport?

Walking as well as stationary bike are recommended as soon as one day after surgery.

No sport is contra-indicated. Sport activity is resumed at the patient’s discretion, depending on his feelings.



7. When can I go back home?

The surgeons will give you permission at the control visit. This visit can take place one to three days after surgery. Usually going back home is possible two to three days after operation.